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Built Up Felt Flat Roofing


Every built-up-felt flat roof is made up of various layers of high performance felts as well as mastic asphalt. Insulated timber or concrete forms the foundation of the roof.

A wide range of materials and techniques are employed creating built-up-felt flat roofs. The quality of materials used and the skills of the roofing contractor both play an important role in fitting a good built-up-felt flat roofing system.

The key benefits of built-up felt roofs over other solutions are:

  • Affordable - the felt is manufactured in rolls for easy application and installation.
  • Repairability - A felt roof is easy to repair in the future without need for complete replacement.
  • Flexibility - The tensile strength of the felt means it works well in all weather conditions, as well as allowing for movement.
  • UV resistant

For a built up felt roof it is crucial to use quality materials and have the technical ability to create/install the built-up-felt flat roofs. White Rose Roofing have a wide experience of built-up-felt flat roofs, so you can be sure to get the best of both critical qualities.